Last modified on February 22, 2024


This Agreement on Terms & Conditions of Use (“Agreement”) is effective as of the date on which User(as defined below) indicates User’s acceptance of the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement,and is made by and between User (herein “User”, “user”, or “you”) and Argent Holdings LLC d/b/a(un)conventional   (“(un)conventional”   or   the   “Company”),   a   Florida   limited   liability   company.(un)conventional™ and you are sometimes referred to below as “Party” or “Parties” to this Agreement.All Terms and Conditions set forth herein, in our Privacy Policy and/or in other Legal Notices anddocuments elsewhere within (un)conventional’ web domain known as “”, areexpressly made a part hereof, and are incorporated herein by reference. By using our site, youacknowledge   receipt   of,   and   your   agreement   with,   (un)conventional’   Privacy   Policy

This  Agreement is  intended  to  be governed  by the Electronic  Signatures  in Global and  National Commerce Act (“E-Sign” Act). You enter into this Agreement by any act demonstrating your assenthereto, including without limitation clicking “I agree” or words of similar meaning. You may submit apaper copy of this transaction and print this form for your personal records. You have the right towithdraw your consent to use the E-Sign Act by emailing us to that effect at the address provided atour “Contact Us” link


This Agreement (as supplemented by the documents incorporated above) sets forth the legally binding
terms for your use of the website (our “Website”).  In consideration of your being
permitted to use the Website, and for other good and valuable consideration which you acknowledge is
received and sufficient, you agree to be bound by this Agreement, whether you are (1) a   “Visitor” —
which means that you use the website (including without limitation through a
mobile device) without entering into a transaction with us; or (2) a “Client” — which means that you
do enter into one or more transactions from our Website. Under this Agreement, you are authorized to
use the Website (whether as a Visitor or as a Client) only if you agree to abide by all applicable laws
and the terms of this Agreement. Please read this Agreement and save it.  If you do not agree to be
bound   by   this   Agreement   and   to   follow   all   applicable   laws,   you   should   leave   the   Website and
discontinue use of the Website.  If you wish to become a User of the Website (whether as a Visitor or
as a Client), you must read this Agreement and indicate your acceptance in one or more of the ways
that such acceptance is asked for on the Website. In order to become a Client of the Website, you may
be notified that you are required to agree to additional terms and conditions.   Unless otherwise
provided by the additional terms and conditions applicable to those activities on the Website, those
additional terms are hereby incorporated into this Agreement.  You may receive a paper copy of this
Agreement by emailing us (Subject: “T&C Agreement”), at the address specified at our “Contact Us”

Individuals who are less than 18 years of age are not permitted to become paying Clients
of (un)conventional.


By visiting, you agree to be bound by this Agreement.

  1. 1. This Agreement applies to you (hereinafter “Visitor,” “you” or “User”), and if you are using this
    Website on behalf of any other party for which you are acting as an agent, it applies to you and
    any such party for which you are acting.  The management of (un)conventional™ reserves the
    right to change this Agreement from time to time in its sole discretion, and your continued use of this Website in any manner will indicate your agreement with the most current version of
    this Agreement posted on the site at the time of your use.  If you do not wish to be bound by
    this Agreement, do not accept this Agreement, do not use in any manner,
    do   not   enter   this   site,   and   do   not   download   or   use   any   content   from   this   site.
    (un)conventional™ and you are sometimes referred to hereinafter as “Party” or “Parties” to
    this Agreement.
  2. 2. This Website is owned and operated by (un)conventional™, a Florida Limited liability company with its principal office in Miami, Florida, USA.  As between you, the Visitor, and (un)conventional™, all content on this Website in any medium (“Content”) is owned by (un)conventional™ and/or our providers.  All such Content is protected by United States and international intellectual property laws.
  3. 3. As a Visitor to our website, you are granted a limited, personal, nontransferable, non-sub-licensable, revocable license to access and use our Website only as expressly permitted in this Agreement. Except for this limited license, we do not grant you any other rights or licenses with respect to this Website, and any rights or licenses not expressly granted herein are reserved to us and our providers. Unless we have granted you permission in advance and in writing, you may visit this Website only for your personal, non-commercial use, and not to provide services to a third party.
  4. 4. You may not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices in any of the Content on the Website. (un)conventional™ reserves the right to revoke anyone’s authorization to view, download and use the Content at any time, and you agree immediately to discontinue such use upon written notice from (un)conventional™.  As between you and (un)conventional™, all rights not specifically granted to you under this Agreement are reserved to (un)conventional™.
  5. 5.You may download, display, or print one (1) copy of any portion of the Content. If you do so, you may not modify the Content in any way, and you must reproduce the (un)conventional™ trademark and/or copyright notice (or the third-party provider’s notice, as applicable) in the form:
    “___________________™”; “______________________®” OR
    “© 20__, (un)conventional™ – All Rights Reserved”,
    as displayed on the relevant page(s) that you copy.
  6. 6. Except as provided above, you, as a Visitor to, may not:— Copy, reproduce, upload, post, display, republish, distribute or transmit any part of the Content in any form whatsoever;— Use a frame or border environment around the Website, or other framing technique to enclose any portion or aspect of the Website, or mirror or replicate any portion of the Website;— Modify, translate into any language or computer language, or create derivative works from, any Content or any part of this Website;— “Reverse-engineer” any part of this Website; or— Sell, offer for sale, transfer, or license any portion of this Website in any form to any third party.
  7. 7. Unauthorized use of this Website and/or the Content may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property or other laws. You must retain all copyright and trademark notices, including without limitation proprietary notices, in the Content, and you must not alter, obscure or obliterate any of such notices. The use of such Content on any other website or in any environment of networked computers is prohibited. You are prohibited from posting on or transmitting through our Website any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material; or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law. In addition, you are prohibited from posting or transmitting any information which (a) infringes the rights of others or violates their privacy or publicity rights, (b) is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right, except with the express written permission of the owner of such right, (c) contains a virus, bug or other harmful item, and/or (d) is used to collude unlawfully against another person in restraint of trade or competition. You shall be solely liable for any damages resulting from any infringement of copyright, trademark, or other proprietary right, or any other harm resulting from your use of this site.
  8. 8. Unless otherwise provided within this Agreement, or unless specific applicable law requires (un)conventional™ to allow you to do so, you may not do any of the following without the prior written consent of (un)conventional™:— Use any robot, spider, other automatic device or manual process to monitor the Content and/or the Website;— Use the Website other than to observe, make legitimate inquiries or communications;— Use the Website to make any false or fraudulent communication;— Submit false or misleading information to the Website;— Post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material, or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law; or for any other purpose that is unlawful and/or prohibited by this Agreement;— Use, access or communicate with the Website in any way that, in the sole and absolute judgment of (un)conventional™, adversely affects the performance or functioning of the Website, or any other computer systems or networks used by (un)conventional™ or other Website users;— Upload or transmit to the Website, or use any device, software or routine, that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, or other computer programming that may damage, interfere with or attempt to interfere with, intercept the normal operation of our Website, appropriate the Website or any system, or take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on our computer equipment or infringes upon the rights of any third party; or— Disguise the origin of information posted by or transmitted by you through the Website.
  9. 9.Content may not be used as a trademark or service mark, for (by way of illustration and not limitation) any pornographic use, unlawful purpose, to defame any person, to violate any person’s right of privacy or publicity, or to infringe upon any copyright, trade-name, trademark, or service mark of any person or entity. Unauthorized use of Content constitutes copyright infringement and shall entitle (un)conventional™ to exercise all rights and remedies under applicable law, including without limitation an injunction preventing further use and monetary damages against all users and beneficiaries of the use of such Content. The foregoing is not a limiting statement of (un)conventional’s rights or remedies in connection with any unauthorized use.
  10. 10. You understand that (un)conventional™ may immediately terminate all agreements between us and may without notice refrain from doing further business with you if you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement or with the specific terms and conditions applicable to you as a Visitor to If your access is terminated, you agree immediately (1) to stop using this Website and any Content which you may have acquired, (2) to delete all such Content and all copies from all media in your possession or control of whatever type (whether now known or hereafter developed, invented or devised), and (3) to destroy all other copies or, at (un)conventional’ request, return all such copies to (un)conventional™.  Your use of this Website and any Content shall comply with all applicable law. (un)conventional™ may restrict or remove your access to this Website at any time, or restrict or remove your use of any Content for any reason, and may (or may choose not to) replace that Content with other Content, and you agree immediately to discontinue all use of the Content upon notification from (un)conventional™.
  11. 11. Despite our efforts to provide accurate information, may contain technical or other mistakes, inaccuracies or typographical errors. As a convenience, our Website may link to other sites that may be of interest to you but are not under (un)conventional’ control. These links do not imply endorsement by (un)conventional™, and we are not responsible for the availability of or the content contained in any linked site. The Website may contain or use technology that provides (un)conventional™ and/or its affiliates with information regarding your use of this Website, or which permits (un)conventional™ to audit your compliance with this Agreement via the use of software designed to track and identify Content. Please consult’s Privacy Policy for specific information on’s policies for use of your personal information.
  12. 12. Minors under eighteen (18) years of age are not eligible to become Clients of (un)conventional or to enter into any transaction with us. If you choose to become a Client, by doing so you warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age.
  13. 13. For purposes of identification, billing and marketing, you agree to provide (un)conventional™ with accurate, complete, and updated information as requested by us, including your legal name, address, telephone number(s), and applicable payment data (e.g., credit card number, security code and expiration date). You agree to notify (un)conventional™ within ten (10) days of any changes in these elements of your information. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your own password(s) (if any), and you agree that (un)conventional™ will have no obligations with regard thereto. (un)conventional™ reserves the right to reveal, or to choose not to reveal, any data or other information in its possession regarding users of our Website in cooperation with a duly authorized request or investigation by a duly authorized governmental body or governmental agency.
  14. 14. You acknowledge that transmissions made by means of are not confidential, and that your communications may be read or intercepted by others. You acknowledge and agree that by engaging in transactions with, no confidential, fiduciary, contractually implied or other relationship is created between you and (un)conventional™, beyond that which is explicitly established by this and other contracts between you and us.
  15. 15. Any communications or materials you transmit to, by electronic mail or otherwise, including without limitation any data, question, comment, suggestion, idea, or the like (“Communications”) will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. By voluntarily submitting to us, or by posting on the Website, any Communications, you grant to (un)conventional™ and to all users of the Website a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sub-licensable license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such Communications in any form, media or technology (whether now known or hereafter invented or devised). (un)conventional™ assumes no responsibility for any Communications posted or submitted, or for the return of such Communications. We want your feedback and appreciate your ideas and suggestions, but we are unable to answer every comment individually.